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Wanee Miss Zina
Color: Fox Red
Weight: 72#
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows:Normal
Genetic Testing: prcd-PRA, DM, CNM, HNPK, HUU, PKD, Skeletal Dysplasia 2, Cystinuria- All Clear
EIC - Carrier
Zina is 0ne of our smaller girls. She has a graceful look and is the most American style of our Fox Reds. She loves to run and is very agile.

Con-Quest Rushing River
Color: Fox Red
Weight: 75#
PennHip: DI .34
Genetic Testing: DM, CNM, HNPK,
Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal
Dysplasia 1, Skeletal Dysplasia 2, PRCD,
Cystinuria --- All Clear
EIC --- Carrier
River is the daughter of a favorite;
our retired stud, Duke of Earl &
Holly. She has an exceptional
personality - friendly, alert and eager
to please. She weighs 75#, has good conformation and a beautiful fox red

Con-Quest Sparkling Rayne
C0lor: Chocolate
PennHip: DI .34
Genetic Testing: DM, CNM, HNPK,
Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskelatal Dysplasia 1, Skeletal Dysplasia 2, EIC, Cystinuria-- All Clear
PRCD-- Carrier
Rayne is a mild natured, sweet girl. She is very athletic and has the American build. Rayne is the
smallest of our girls.

Con-Quest Snowy River Lacey
Color: Yellow
Weight: 70#
PennHip DI .43
Genetic Testing: CNM, HNPK, Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal Dysplasia 1, CMS, Skeletal Dysplasia 2, EIC, PRCD, PRA, MCD. -- All Clear
Stargardt -- Carrier
Lacey is a beautiful girl with an almost white coat and great conformation. She is mild natured and gets along well with other dogs. Lacey heads for water if she has a chance!

Dutch Acres Winnie
Color: Fox Red
Weight: 90#
OFA Hips: Excellent
OFA Elbows: Normal
Winnie is a very sweet laid back girl with a want to please attitude. She loves to be with people.​

Con-Quest Shining Silver Mist
Color: Silver
Weight: 70#
Hips: DI .50
Genetic Testing: CNM, HNPK, Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal Dysplasia 1,
CMS, Skeletal Dysplasia 2, EIC, PRCD, PRA, MCD -- All Clear
Stargardt -- Carrier
Misty, our newest addition, is fun loving and active. She is friendly and gets along well with other dogs. Playing in water and riding the ATV with the boys are Misty's favorite things!

Amber Sky Holly of Conquest
Color: Fox Red
Weight: 75#
OFA Hips: Good
Genetic Testing: EIC,prcd - PRA,DM, CNM.HNPK, HUU,
Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal Dysplasia,Skeletal
Dysplasia 2 - All Clear
Holly loves being with family and is
always ready to retrieve a ball. She
is a water lover. Holly has titled hunting and show lines in her

Big Shot Silver Belle
Color: Chocolate (Silver)
Weight: 70#
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows:Normal
Genetic Testing: EIC,DM, CNM.HNPK, HUU,Cysturina Retinol/Okuskeletal, Skeletal Dysplasia 2 - All Clear
Prcd - PRA- Carrier
Bella is a loving and loyal dog who especially attaches to family. She is very athletic and comes from a jumping line!

Top D-Line Yosha
Color: Yellow
Weight: 80#
OFA Hips: Fair
OFA Elbows:Normal
Genetic Testing: EIC,prcd -PRA,DM, CNM.HNPK, HUU,Cysturina
Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal Dysplasia,Skeletal
Dysplasia 2 - All Clear
Yosha is outgoing and friendly. Her joy is to be with you Yosha is playful and has a desire to please!
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